'The Mantis' - Standing 69
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| The Mantis is a 69 (simultaneous oral stimulation) variation performed with the man standing, supporting his weight as well as his partner’s weight. The Mantis is known in nature for its graceful tenacity and tremendous strength. Its skill in the insect kingdom is unmatched. A man’s sexual prowess and bedroom skill must be stupendous, and truly of the highest order for him to execute this move properly. He must be physically powerful in the arms, legs, and back… he must possess a strong sense of outer balance as to not topple as he swings his partner into position and then supports her there… and lastly he must possess a potent inner balance that will fuel both the hunger of his lips and his loins amid so many exterior stresses.
As with all Grand Master moves, accomplishing this technique results in a feeling of deep satisfaction and sexual might. |
| Going one step beyond the black belt, and standing apart as our highest designation for moves and techniques, the “High-Black Belt” rank is incredibly distinguished and at the same time indicates a complexity level that is immensely lofty. Also known as Grand Master level, moves and techniques of this rank are the most challenging sexual disciplines known. These require strength and stamina, as well as interior and exterior balance. Only Master Level Students should attempt these moves... |
| This complex technique has two stages, (part 1) assuming the stance, and (part 2) the actual sustained simultaneous oral. You will want to be aware of your surroundings, watch out for low hanging lights and ceiling fans that your partner may bump as you swing her into position. An area with a nearby bed to fall back onto in case you lose your balance is advisable for all but the most confident in The Mantis style. Beware, if you drop your lady or swing her into a wall, you run the risk of experiencing firsthand how, in nature, the mantis female devours her mate after sex (you might not even get to have the sex)… so be sure and steady. |
| Get step-by-step instructions for how to pull off this awesome move, complete with video, and slow-mo animation that shows how to lift and get your girl in place for some awesome Mantis action. And that’s just the beginning… WHEN YOU JOIN BEDROOMBLACKBELT.COM |
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