| Meaning: Starting out as virgins we are all fledgling white belts taking it to the mat (to the bed, backseat, sofa, sandy beach, or wherever) for the first time. Sex is composed of stances, personal physical configurations that intertwine with the stances of our partners to create positions. Speed, technique, finesse, confidence, knowhow and state of mind all blend to create our individual sexual style. The martial arts have been used for centuries to transfer knowledge and secrets of the body’s most effective forms for war, we apply a similar system to communicate and train ourselves in the body’s most effective forms for lovemaking.
Insight: Sex has been compared to riding a bike, and in nations where baseball holds popularity it’s often compared to running the bases, but when it came time to develop the ultimate system for communicating sex-knowledge, martial arts was the obvious and only metaphor of choice. Left to their own devices, most couples never venture far beyond the level of blue belt sex, which is certainly more assured than white belt sex, but considering we’ve named four belt levels beyond blue: red, brown, black, and grandmaster-high-black, there is a universe of sexual excitement beyond the arena in which most couples spend the majority of their lovemaking time. |
 | Meaning: In sex, as in life, we often impose barriers on ourselves that are not real, imaginary lines that we never think (or are afraid) to cross. These barriers are ‘the box’. In order to find the most fulfillment and excitement from sex, the bedroom blackbelt must free his mind and think outside of the box.
Insight: On a purely physical level the bed itself often plays the role of "the box". Too often we find ourselves in the bed, and not on the floor, on the sofa, in the woods, etc. But even on the bed, we can very easily go outside of the box by using the bed’s edges, its footboards and headboards, the wall behind it, etc to transform ordinary sex into extraordinary sex.
On an emotional level, the box can take the shape of any hurdle we find ourselves unable to pass. Perhaps, we’ve never experienced role play as part of our sex, never explored fantasy or played with toys. Not every sexual activity is for every person of course, but an open mind is a must for a rewarding and excellent sex-life. |
 | Meaning: The themes of balance, of yen and yang, follow us in life and can be found in every area of existence. Ultimately there is balance and meaning in all things, and we can find sexual inspiration, motivation, and direction in nature.
Insight: Those familiar with martial arts will already be aware that most of the fighting forms, many flavors of Kung Fu for example, derive their inspiration from the animal kingdom and other aspects of nature: Tiger Form, Praying Mantis, etc. Eastern Philosophy has always understood the circular nature of life, and how existence forms a circular whole. The same is true with bedroom techniques, the inspiration is out there if you know where to look (and of course, it is our mission to help you find it). |
 | Meaning: Our bodies, in sex form a complex symbiosis, our minds and spirits as well. Sex is the union of two or more individuals through physical means, fueled by hunger, to become something more in those moments of enlightenment than is possible alone. A lone body is like a piece of jigsaw, and the sexual desire we feel, is the puzzle’s yearning to be solved.
Insight: Less metaphysically speaking, our bodies are meant to unite, and they crave this union. The tell us this through chemical transmissions that make us horny, that make us want to penetrate and\or be penetrated. Our body wants to touch and be touched by other bodies… bodies in general want to unite. Ultimately, when sex is unlocked with skill, there are countless forms the puzzle can take, some more complex than others, all beautiful and fulfilling. It should be our goal to solve the puzzle of the flesh in as many ways as possible to experience fully, enjoy, and revel in the wonder of our humanity. |
 | Meaning: Confidence is the great divider and measurer of men. The man who possesses confidence can accomplish anything, while the man suffused in his own doubts will find himself entangled by and potentially dragged under the ever flowing current of life by the undertow of fear. Mastery of one’s self and sureness of your capabilities is the key to success in all areas, not least of all the bedroom.
Insight: The bedroom blackbelt (black belt) is always confident of his prowess in the bedroom, he knows his strengths and his weaknesses, and he possesses the skill to project and amplify areas where he is strong. And through confidence and self awareness he has negated areas where he is weak. Knowledge has made him a master, and there is no accomplishment that is beyond him in the bedroom. Accomplishment begins with belief, and once you believe that you can do something, it is already done. |