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Pelvic Thrusting 101 - M...
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Teaser: ‘If he moves like that with clothes on…’ All of us have heard potential mates make statements like this (all the better if the positive inference is about us and not some other guy). Our partners are always on the lookout for telltale signs as to how well we will move our asses in bed, which ties directly to how good the sex will be. This detailed look at the often overlooked yet extremely important topic of pelvic thrusting styles will help you put the rumble in your jungle.
how to: move your ass
The blackbelt principals tell us that training for the positions of sex without also training for the 'motion' is like yen without yang. Here, of course, you will be trained for both and everything in-between.

Becoming the king of beasts in your bedroom, actually starts with knowing how to “move your ass” (how to move your pelvis beyond the basics as indicated by instinct). This understanding is a prerequisite to any advanced discussion of sexual position, for beyond the basic in-and-out are the skilled pelvic techniques that make up the foundation upon which truly explosive sex is built. The choice of pelvic motion you apply to a particular sexual position can change the impact (and the ecstasy level) of the position altogether.

With a mastery of your body’s movements you’ll be able to explore every sexual position with skill, variety and vigor, and you’ll know how to move for success when it comes to bumping your lover’s hard to reach pleasure zones.
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So how do you execute this awesome pelvic thrust?
The Pelvic "Roll"
If when you are entering and exiting the *vagina you are able to stabilize your upper body and move your pelvis (and buttocks and hips) with a degree of singularity, if you can roll your hips and buttocks so that the movement grinds the sides of your penis against the inner-sides of the *vagina while moving in and out (envision yourself keeping a hula-hoop in motion without moving your upper body), this advanced movement is pelvic rolling.

Illustrated on the left, it should not be difficult to visualize how this “rolling” motion would obviously stimulate a greater tactile response inside the vagina, producing more friction for you and your lover, than a direct in and out motion. This style recruits the hips, abdominal muscles and lower back muscles; because it focuses the motion into the pelvis, the pelvic "roll" is generally less taxing than “piston” type movements, which can and usually do recruit muscles from nearly every part of the anatomy.

The Pelvic "Tilt"
If when you are entering and exiting the *vagina you are able to stabilize your upper body and move your pelvis chiefly by way of spinal manipulation, in which the lower back arches as the buttocks pops back (loading the thrust), and then the lower back rounds as the buttocks launches forward (firing the thrust), this advanced movement is pelvic tilting. Using this approach you should be able to favor the top and\or underside of your penis, so that your engorged member grinds the inner-top and\or bottom surfaces of the vagina upon entry and exit.

Like “rolling” your pelvis, "tilting" recruits the hips, abdominal muscles and lower back muscles; but is even lower impact, and most men find it easier to execute. The "tilt" when applied at varying heights of entry, can be very precise when compared with other styles, and is particulary handy for bumping those hard to reach spots (The G-spot, A-spot, etc).
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