| When was the last time your lady said to you, in the aftermath of a particularly intense round of love making, “you really know how to move your ass”? If the answer is never, then this article is for you. If the answer is: not in a very long time, this article can help you get the motion back in your ocean. And even if your answer is: every night of my life, you’ll still want to check your bag of tricks Mr. Super-Stud, just to be certain you’ve got these essential techniques mastered.
More than just a matter of instinct... The subject at hand is pelvic thrusting of course, the precursor and prerequisite discussion for further study as it relates to every penetrative type of sex in the book. And while you may be thinking, and rightly so, that pelvic thrusting is an instinctive behavior, which comes “naturally” to all mammals, and is even demonstrated by infants as they begin to discover their sexual responses. What is most important to point out is that, instinctual as this behavior may be, it can be dramatically improved upon by skilled and experienced lovers.
Our travels at myhardwer.com bring us into contact with many different men, of different races, who cross a spectrum of ages and endowments. What’s most surprising to us, is how many guys really don’t know how to move their asses in bed.
In specific we find that many men don’t know how to work their pelvises with the degree of variety and skill required to accomplish maximum surface stimulation within the vagina, and so they tend to generate monotonous piston-like movements that tire them quickly while boring their partners. They don’t know how to hit those special spots that transform monotonous sex into momentous sex. This, of course, is our cue; one of many instances where we can lend our expertise and assistance for the betterment of mankind (at the very least man’s sexual experience).
A penis moving in and out of a vagina is sex, but by no means great sex. The aim of great lovers is not just to get the job done, but to explore (and in that exploration get the job done right). Your aim should be to work every surface of the vagina (certain spots: the G-spot, and A-spot, are of particular interest, but these are advanced topics that can’t even be addressed until you’ve gone beyond the basics of instinctual thrusting and learned to really move your ass in bed).
So what’s the formula? There are four pelvic thrusting styles available to every man, and every man should be familiar with them all, and use them all. If you can roll it, tilt it, work it like a piston, and flex it when you need to (all four styles on command and with just a little rhythm and flow), you’ll have no trouble at all keeping her calling out for more.
Moving your ass in bed: The Manual (AKA the four primary thrusting techniques) To some guys all four movements come quite naturally. We surmise that to some extent this is a rhythm-thing, and just as some men have a knack for dancing, many more do not. We film monthly product trials with couples, and we can assure you that more often than not, when asked to roll their pelvis or hips (this is probably the hardest of the four movements), most guys do not know how and\or can not do so with ease. |
 | “Red Belt” moves are marked by an increased difficulty as compared to the disciplines taught prior. “Red Belt” students have reached the mid-point along their journey to sexual excellence. These students are expected, at this level to begin connecting the moves they’ve learned and more sophisticated ones they will learn, with smooth sexual transitions. |