![](/sitex/newline.jpg) | “Scissors” is the term used to describe any move in which both the players legs are intercrossed AKA scissored together, their genitals gnashing at the center point.
“Tribal Scissors” is a variation in which at least the top, but potentially both players explore a variety of squatting, hunkering, almost tribal war-like stances to get the thrusting done. Seen above: Tae, delivers an athletic “Tribal Scissored” top performance with lots of energy and variety, as Jason receives a hardy helping of rock hard dick delivered hot. Jason focuses on relaxing and enjoying every sensation as he receives Tae’s penetration, he does not (although he could) counter Tae’s “Tribal Scissor” stance with an equally aggressive stance and thrusting pattern. |
![](/sitex/blkbelt_complexity_red001b.gif) | “Red Belt” moves are marked by an increased difficulty as compared to the disciplines taught prior. “Red Belt” students have reached the mid-point along their journey to sexual excellence. These students are expected, at this level to begin connecting the moves they’ve learned and more sophisticated ones they will learn, with smooth sexual transitions. |