| “The Plumber” is a form of Fellatio in which the female lays restfully enough on her back, with the receiver hovering above her face, the Airwalk is a particularly good stance for the male looking to receive a little plumber action. There are, of course, a number of stances he could use to accomplish a station above the female’s face. In this video Chase uses a wide-legged kneeling stance. The important detail here is for the male to choose a stance that creates enough space for his pipes to comfortably get the cleaning they deserve... and it’s a safe bet that madam plumber is going to find a pretty powerful leak.
If the male has accomplished a good center of gravity he can very easily transition into so good old-fashioned face fucking, simply by beginning to roll, buck and thrust into the steamy mouth. |
 | “Blue Belt” moves are not overly difficult, but are not recommended for a virgin's first time on the matt either. Blue Belts are Developing Students. They possess basic sexual skill, good common sense, and strong body-awareness. |