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Kneeling Doggie Style Se...
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The Move: Ready to get your doggie on in style? These sexual transitions take you from the basic kneeling doggie move and flow fluidly into advanced sex techniques like the bull dog sex position. So amaze her tonight by cranking out an alpha-dog style sex party that’ll have the dog pound shaking, rattling and howling like never before.
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Doggie Style Sex Position Transitions

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Doggie style sex positions have been a favorite amongst men since, well, forever, and no doubt will continue to be. For butt men nothing provides a better view of the tight taught big bouncing hemispheres of her upturned ass quite as well. Doggie style is also a fairly easy position to get into, kneeling doggie on a bed being among the most common and comfortable, and doggie style sex is easily applied to virginal or anal intercourse. So the pluses are numerous, but the question is, are you getting all that you could be getting out your doggie experience? And, is your lady really loving your doggie style?
“Brown Belt” moves are advanced, intended for skilled students who are entering into a level of accomplishment that borders on mastery. Brown belts are sophisticated love makers, familiar with an impressive array of sexual moves and transitions.

Students at this level begin to interject physically complex and truly challenging moves, and new dimensions of sex-play featuring group-sex scenarios, fantasy integration, kinks, and fetishes.
To ensure that the answer to these questions is yes we’ve put together this video and article tutorial that will take you from the standard kneeling doggie sex that everyone knows and smoothly transition you into a number of other doggie style variations that produce different penetration stimulation, that evoke different varieties of body movement, and that crank up the intensity. The thing with sex in general, not just doggie style sex, is that it’s not intended to be a monotonous sport, the goal is not to find one angle and pump you way through the entire round of love making in that position. Rather, the goal is to produce friction of a varied and intense kind to bring your woman and yourself to a tremendous climax. And yes, if on doggie night, especially if that’s your favorite night, you can do this without even switching sex move families. Indeed there are dozens of doggie style sex moves. So you can have plenty of variety in your sex while keeping true to your inner dog.

So press play on the video above, and record on your mental DVR, we’re about to run through some hot sex transitions that will have you and your partner barking out loud as you shake the dog pound around you. Position track starts with: Kneeling Doggie his legs inside her, one leg outside one leg in, he legs inside his, the bull dog aka headhunter, putting his back into it, doggie wheel barrow, air walk doggie.
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