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Atten Hut - Fellatio
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The Move: On your knees soldier. This very common posture for oral sex is a constant favorite format for rest stop quickies. Jason illustrates how giving good head is more than just sucking dick, it's all in the technique... so check out this fantastic fellatio example.
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Atten Hut - Fellatio

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“Scissors” is the term used to describe any move in which both the players legs are intercrossed AKA scissored together, their genitals gnashing at the center point.

“Tribal Scissors” is a variation in which at least the top, but potentially both players explore a variety of squatting, hunkering, almost tribal war-like stances to get the thrusting done. Seen above: Tae, delivers an athletic “Tribal Scissored” top performance with lots of energy and variety, as Jason receives a hardy helping of rock hard dick delivered hot. Jason focuses on relaxing and enjoying every sensation as he receives Tae’s penetration, he does not (although he could) counter Tae’s “Tribal Scissor” stance with an equally aggressive stance and thrusting pattern.
“Red Belt” moves are marked by an increased difficulty as compared to the disciplines taught prior. “Red Belt” students have reached the mid-point along their journey to sexual excellence. These students are expected, at this level to begin connecting the moves they’ve learned and more sophisticated ones they will learn, with smooth sexual transitions.
Tips for taking it up another notch!
When both players perform this move with an equal degree of aggressive stance and thrusting, it looks like a game of naked twister gone wild. It’s sure to work up a sweat and a series of explosive orgasms all around. For the bottom to match the top’s vigor in this position he will need to be very accomplished in the role of bottoming. His anal muscles will need to be perfectly relaxed in order for him to fully loose himself in the raw recklessness of this move.
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